Starting from December 1, 2024, we are temporarily suspending the acceptance and dispatch of packages. All previously processed packages will be delivered as planned. We will provide further updates on the resumption of operations.

Packing guide

Please, take into account that a manufacturer's original package often is not designed to withstand the stress caused by parcel traffic and is generally not suitable for transportation. All goods must be packed in suitable packages (tight boxes, paper envelopes, plastic envelopes or bags, corrugated tubes).

A good package could be described as a package that does not allow to extract goods from the package without opening. It must be hard and free of protrusions. In addition, make sure that the content of the package will not crumble or leak.

ATTENTION! If goods are improperly packed, the carrier is not responsible for the safe delivery of the package. In that case, you will not get any compensation for lost or demaged goods.

Packaging requirements

  • The minimum package size is 100 mm x 150 mm. Smaller packages can not be labeled what makes international delivery impossible
  • If the size of the package is close to the maximum size, choose next parcels type according to the closest maximum weght
  • The packaging must be packed so that its content can not be accessed without damaging the packaging
  • Use suitable packaging for sending fragile goods (corner caps, bubble wrap, safety wraps etc.)
  • Make sure that the package corresponds to the size of the content: the package is not too large and the goods do not move inside the package or the package is not too small and the box/bag does not expand
  • The packaging must be resistent and can withstand falling from a height of one meter without damaging its content
  • The package must withstand if you put above the box with a weight of the package multiplied on 4-5
  • Old barcodes must be removed from the packaging to not to interfere with the automatic sorting of packages. It can lead to delays in the delivery
  • The packaging material must be resistent enough so that the content of the package does not damage the package itself or can make harm to the personnel
  • Fragile objects
    • Pack fragile goods in a sturdy cardboard boxes;
    • place fragile objects in the center of the package so that they do not come into contact with the walls of the package;
    • wrap them in a strong, soft material to prevent objects from touching or colliding with each other during transportation or moving inside the package. The free space inside the package should be filled with fillers, such as plastic or styrofoam pieces.
  • Sharp objects
    • The safety of other consignments must be taken into account when packing sharps. All sharp parts should be wrapped, so that they could not cut the inside of the package;
    • place the blades in a plastic or wooden cover.
  • Liquids
    • Sending a package with liquid or semi-liquid substances, use hermetically sealed containers. If the neck of the container is quite large, it is recommended to place such a container in a plastic bag and to strengthen the protection of the lid to prevent liquid from leaks;
    • the container containing the liquid must be packed in a hard cardboard box and the containers must be secured inside the box. The packaging must also be lined with an absorbent material that protects other packages and service personnel from contamination;
    • Pack the powdered materials tightly in a bag, box or container and, if necessary, secure them in hard packaging with internal fasteners.
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